The innovative, unique and patent protected overlapping garments are world -famous for their state of the art design, high quality, optimal treatment and comfort.

The range of garments tailored to specific treatments and individual/multiple parts of the body, allow users to optimise their use of Lympha Press products. All garments are made to a high standard, ensuring maximum benefit is achieved from each treatment.

Mego Afek are proud to be the pioneering leaders in offering groundbreaking garments

Mego Afek


Mego Afek are pioneering leaders in their ground-breaking garments.  The unique, innovative and patent protected overlapping garments made by Mego Afek for the Lympha Press intermittent pneumatic pumps are world -famous for their state of the art design , high quality, optimal treatment, and comfort.

The garments are very easy to  clean with antibacterial wipes and the fabric that makes up the garments passes all infection control protocols in hospitals across the world.

Upper Body Garments

Lympha Press upper body garments are designed to meet the needs of patients with upper extremity lymphoedema. These garments treat the entire arm, shoulder, one side of the back, and chest wall.

The Lympha Jacket offers complete bilateral treatment for arms, together with the entire upper body (chest, shoulders, back, and abdomen).

These garments simplify treatment for postmastectomy lymphedema and is effective therapy for arm, breast, and torso lymphoedema in the clinic and at home.

Lower Body Garments

Lympha Press leg garments are designed for comfortable, effective treatment of the entire leg, foot, and ankle areas.

The LymphaPod is a sequential pneumatic compression therapy system designed specifically for the larger patient, providing effective treatment for lymphoedema, venous insufficiency, and lipoedema.

Lympha Pants treat the entire lower body, including the abdomen and groin area, while providing complete bilateral treatment of the lower limbs. Available in 24 or 16 chambers.

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